Author Interview: Evelyn Hibbert

Missio Nexus’ leadership thoughtfully summarize books, giving you the Leader’s Edge to help inform, stimulate and provoke profitable discussion. The Author Interview is an informal conversation with the author to to give you more insight to the book.

Author Interview

Multiplying Leaders in Intercultural Contexts: Recognizing and Developing Grassroots Potential*

By Evelyn and Richard Hibbert

William Carey Publishing, 2023

172 pages (358 ebook pages)

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This book seeks to facilitate grassroots leaders, like small group and women leaders who interface between the church and their surrounding world but who are usually unrecognized. It seeks to help “developers” (who develop leaders) from a different culture than that of the developers. To do this, the book explores how culture affects leadership and the relationship between disciples and leaders, emphasizes the importance of identifying all leaders, examines biblical principles for good leadership and discusses their expression in different cultural contexts, and shares leadership-development principles and practices. In other words, the book wants to “facilitate culturally relevant approaches to leadership that nurture the entire community of believers and enable the church to flourish” (p. 41). 

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