Appreciating Jesus as Relaxed — A Simple Solution to Stress
If you had one word to describe Jesus, what would it be?
This is the question Dallas Willard asked me on a fall afternoon in his office at USC.
I found it difficult to answer. How could I describe the magnificent and multifaceted nature of Jesus in one word?
Yet I knew this was a significant exercise. The words we use to depict Jesus (along with the ones we don’t) reveal much about ourselves and our relationship with him.
Descriptions of Jesus flooded my mind and flowed out of my mouth: “Love… Compassion… Holy… Lord… Teacher… Risen… Healer.” All these words are beautiful and paint an accurate picture of our Savior.
Dallas was quiet as I continued to think long and hard about his question. He was unhurried. His silent prayer made me curious about what was stirring in his heart. Finally I asked what word he would use to describe Jesus.
I waited on the edge of my seat while Dallas paused before answering. His mentorship had transformed how I apprenticed to Jesus in all areas of life. This felt like a weighty and significant moment.
He looked deep into my eyes and said, “Relaxed.”
His answer surprised me… relaxed…
Do you view Jesus as relaxed? That word certainly wasn’t one of the top adjectives on my list. But coming to appreciate Jesus as relaxed is a simple solution to stress that serves to unburden us from spiritual strain. Think about it:
Jesus waited a long time to begin his ministry and then had only three short years to leave his mark as the Messiah. And yet Jesus was relaxed!
Our Savior was limited to a physical body and often left behind people who hadn’t been reached, healed, or discipled (Matthew 13:58, Luke 19:41-44). And yet Jesus was relaxed!
Many of Jesus’ followers deserted him and even his 12 closest disciples didn’t fully understand him until after he rose from the dead (John 6:66, Luke 24:36-48). And yet Jesus was relaxed!
The redemption of humankind depended on Jesus successfully completing his gospel mission of dying on the cross and rising from the dead (John 12:23-24, 27-28). And yet Jesus was relaxed!
Are you relaxed when serving Jesus?… When ministry feels heavy?… When people reject the Good News you share?… When fundraising to support your family?… When you’re criticized?… When your to-do list seems unending?… When there’s real pain you’re facing?
Jesus did not avoid stressful situations but instead knew how to remain in Abba’s all-sufficient grace at all times (John 5:19, 2 Corinthians 9:8).
The Good Shepherd apprenticed himself to the Father in the same easy yoke he offers us (Matthew 11:28-30). He grew in grace throughout his life and learned to rest in God’s love (Luke 2:52). This allowed him to remain at peace in the Kingdom of God even when facing severe pressure (John 14:27, 18:36).
It was coming to know God and training with him that empowered Jesus to be loving, compassionate, holy, and relaxed — to perfectly fulfill all the lofty words we use to describe him.
Do you want to become more relaxed like Jesus? I encourage you to start by reading my book Your Best Life in Jesus’ Easy Yoke. It’s full of breath prayers and other spiritual disciplines to help you de-stress and live empowered.
We’d also love for you to join us for a 5-day Institute retreat focused on helping you get healthy and lead healthy with Jesus.
This article is submitted by Soul Shepherding. Soul Shepherding is a Missio Nexus member. Member organizations can provide content to the Missio Nexus website. See how by clicking here.