Author Interview: David Greenlee, Mark Galpin, Paul Bendor-Samuel (eds.)
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Author Interview
Undivided Witness: Jesus Followers, Community Development, and Least-Reached Communities
David Greenlee, Mark Galpin, Paul Bendor-Samuel
This edited book addresses the “unexplored space” (left largely untouched by published missiology) of the conceptual and practical intersection between community development, the least reached, and the emergence of vibrant, growing churches or communities of Jesus followers. The book presents ten principles in this unexplored space, discussing both the theory and thinking behind these principles and how they work out in practice. These ten principles form the basis for the book chapters, which were first developed by workers and a missiologist from OM and invited faculty at a meeting hosted by the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies on October 2018. The geographic spread of cases in the book includes parts of South Asia, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and Africa, and among refugees in Europe.