Author Interview: Dean Inserra
Missio Nexus’ leadership thoughtfully summarize books, giving you the Leader’s Edge to help inform, stimulate and provoke profitable discussion. The Author Interview is an informal conversation with the author to give you more insight to the book.
Author Interview
The Unsaved Christian: Reaching Cultural Christianity with the Gospel
Moody Publishers, 2019, 208 pages
Most every “Christian” country is full of cultural Christians. They are Christians by history and tradition, rather than by conviction. They check the Christian box on a survey, they’re fine with church, but the truth is, they’re far from God. Many times we in missions are so focused on reaching the “unreached,” (and rightfully so), that we overlook the “undiscipled” – the non-believers within the sphere of Christianity.
This book equips you to understand and confront cultural Christianity with honesty and grace. It will help you understand the mindset of those who call themselves Christians, especially here in the North American context, but in the evangelical sense of the word are not. We dare not neglect this part of our mission.