Author Interview: Rupen Das

Missio Nexus’ leadership thoughtfully summarize books, giving you the Leader’s Edge to help inform, stimulate and provoke profitable discussion. The Author Interview is an informal conversation with the author to to give you more insight to the book.

Author Interview

The God that the Poor Seek: Conversion, Context, and the World of the Vulnerable*

By Rupen Das 

Langham Global Library, 2022 

280 pages

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This book is about conversion in the contexts of the poor. It raises questions about the God that the poor seek and about how conversions happen. Though the book recognizes the increasing focus on how the social, political, and economic dimensions of poverty, it seeks to address the neglected study on the spiritual realities of the poor, how they relate to God, and why they follow Christ. To do this, the author did research to listen to the voices of those who live in poverty (slum dwellers in India) and those who experience event-based poverty (Syrian refugees in Lebanon). These voices were put in the context of the literature on contextualization and missional practice on conversion. Finally, the book gleans lessons from the stories of the poor. 

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