Author Interview: Yvonne W. Huneycutt
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Author Interview
Propelled by Hope: The Story of the Perspectives Movement*
By Yvonne W. Huneycutt
William Carey, 2024
370 ebook pages
*As an Amazon Associate Missio Nexus earns from qualifying purchases.
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This book narrates the fifty-year story of the Perspectives movement from the lens of the author’s participation in its thirty-year history. This narration comes out of a mindset that the Perspectives movement and the frontier mission movement matured in tandem. Thus, aside from unfolding the past and present (and future hopes) of Perspectives, the book covers the historical context in which Perspectives emerged, the developing trends in world missions (1980-2000), the global events and cultural shifts impacting mission and the frontier mission developments in 2001-2020. This is the author’s goal in writing the book: “My objective is to provide enough of an overview to grant context, to reveal the scope of innovation flowing out of frontier missions, and to disclose the breadth of the movement globally” (page 13).
Leader’s Edge
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