A New Way to Connect With Those Interested in Your Ministry

By Derric Bakker

Joshua Project is a well known resource for learning about the spread of the Gospel in different people groups and countries. Over 6,500 people visit the site each day. They now also include links to Ergatas workers whenever a worker indicates that they are working with a specific people group or country. This allows Joshua Project users who are interested in one of those people groups or countries to connect with workers already making an impact there.

Users then have an opportunity to connect with any of those workers for ministry collaboration, prayer or financial support.

For example, someone learning about Niger on the Joshua Project website would find the link “Meet a Laborer” at the bottom of that page. Clicking that would take them to Ergatas with a list of all workers in that country. Similarly for people groups, if someone was learning about the Albanian people group, they would find the same link at the bottom of the page, and then be able to see a list of workers who are reaching that people group.

If your ministry is reaching a specific people group or country with the gospel, you can take advantage of these links from Joshua Project by creating a free profile on Ergatas.

This article is submitted by Kevin Horan of Ergatas.  Ergatas is a Missio Nexus member.  Member organizations can provide content to the Missio Nexus website. See how by clicking here.

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