A Look Back on 2015: SE Asia Mobilization Centers

The One Challenge Global Alliance (OCGA) is a multi-national, multi-cultural, gospel-driven vision embraced by the 11 independent mobilization centers (MC) in the OC world. What does this mean? It means that in these 11 countries the government-recognized OC Boards of Directors and ministry teams are independently, creatively, and cooperatively working out the OC vision, values, and strategy with each other. At the same time, this new Alliance dynamic enhances synergy with national church bodies as we work together to advance the gospel in their nations and beyond.


Where are the SE Asia MCs?

In Asia, the OCGA mobilization centers (MC) are located in Taiwan, India, Singapore, the Philippines, and a non-disclosed country – the Lord of the Harvest has opened a number of doors for fruitful collaboration between these centers this past year.

In particular, the OCGA partnerships between Singapore, the Philippines, and the U.S. have resulted in significant collaborative ministry platforms with national church bodies in four countries in Southeast Asia.

What Key Progress is Happening?

myanmar150px Myanmar: 70 church workers from 10 denominations are receiving church planter training. Over 100 cell churches of various sizes have been planted this past year. Also, over 500 persons have come to Christ in these efforts. Additionally, some of these workers have begun their own church planter training with their respective groups. This multiplying effect is one of the OCGA’s highest values. The mobilization centers are exploring more training venues for 2016.



khmer150px Cambodia: Partnering together Singapore and the Philippines Mobilization Centers deployed Dan and Jean Parilla to assist the national church planting movement. This movement is working to mobilize the Cambodian church to plant 11,000 churches in the un-churched villages throughout the country. In 2016 the Singapore MC is planning to further assist this movement by strengthening their staff with Singaporean workers.
vietnam150px Vietnam: Through our church planting and equipping efforts we have seen 10 new churches planted in the northern part of the country; 25 pastors are being trained as better gospel communicators; over 100 pastors and church workers were equipped to use sports ministries for evangelism and planting churches. Expanded training is planned for 2016 with 40 church planters being equipped.



thailand150px Thailand: Partnerships were established with national groups to start church planter training. About 100 evangelists and church planters are expected to receive training in 2016. The future is as bright as the promises of God.
nepal100pxNepal Relief Work: Through generous local donations, OC Singapore, along with the Southeast Asia Area team, was able to facilitate provision for much-needed relief materials (food, water, and shelter) to many who suffered from the devastating earthquake in Nepal.

The Lord is truly at work throughout Asia. Many people are coming to know Him as their Savior and many are taking up the challenge to fulfill the Great Commission.

Pray for the Asia Mobilization Centers

  • Pray for the efforts of each mobilization center in Asia, as they are doing the Lord’s work in their countries and beyond.
  • Pray for the new believers and the new churches in these countries above, that they would grow and remain rooted in Truth.
  • Pray for more workers, the Harvest is great but the workers are few.


Partnering & Bridge Building
One Challenge is an international mission sending agency empowering local church ministry in more than 100 countries around the world. We serve, equip, and connect the body of Christ to advance God’s kingdom among all people. We engage in strategic partnerships out of a conviction that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Missions Mobilization
When invited by local leaders, OC facilitates local bodies of believers to identify, train, and send global workers toward realizing a “from everywhere to everywhere” vision. For more information, please go to our Mobilization blog atocimobilization.wordpress.com/blog/.

OC Mobilization, a Missio Nexus member, provided this article. Member organizations can provide content to the Missio Nexus website. See how by clicking here.

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