7 Days of Prayer: Sunday, 10 March 2024

By Justin Long

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Join us in beseeching (δέομαι) the Lord of the Harvest this week for…

1. Pray for just dealings on the part of the nations with regard to Sudan. Several recent articles are documenting arms transfers and “dirty money” – the corrupt purchase of gold. These are funding the war in Sudan (and possibly the war in Ukraine). 

(a) Pray with us for the miraculous reduction in foreign intervention in Sudan.

(b) Pray with us for the 5 million and more who are facing emergency levels of hunger – one stage away from famine. The hunger “is set to worsen” as the April-July “lean season” approaches – when food availability is low because farmers are planting.

(c) Pray for generosity of support especially for the refugee camps in surrounding countries.

2. Pray for the over 70,000 people in Mozambique who have been displaced in the latest violence. Last time, kingdom workers were able to be a blessing to the thousands who were forced from their homes. Pray that similar efforts this time will bear much fruit.

3. Pray for the many believers in Burkina Faso who are caught in the middle as jihadist attacks try to “establish a spirit of vendetta deteriorating community relations.” Meanwhile the junta-led Sahel states are trying to ally together to fight the insurgents. As the old proverb goes, when elephants fight, the ants get crushed. Pray for those who are laboring to spread the Kingdom in the region. The work is dangerous and requires both discernment and boldness.

4. Last week, we prayed for the Filipino overseas workers. This week, a new article analyzes the global Chinese diaspora, which grew from 39.5 million in 2010 to 49.7 million in 2023. A million or more are found on every continent in the world. A number of political developments in China have made it difficult for Chinese churches abroad to send workers to China, but many are now sending Chinese workers to other unreached areas (for example, Western Chinese churches are sending teams to the Middle East). Pray for these overseas Chinese workers to be effective in their witness.

5. Pray for believers in Pakistan who are often the victims of mob violence and persecution. This recent article in the New York Times tells the story of mob-delivered verdicts for blasphemy accusations: often times the charges are trumped up and invalid, but mob violence doesn’t care. Believers can’t just be patient to be vindicated by the courts—even the whisper of blasphemy can lead to killings. Many different groups continue to report the widespread expansion of the Kingdom in this nation, but it comes at great cost.

6. Eager for tourism dollars, there is renewed openness to Russian tourists in North Korea. Pray for the Gospel to find unique ways to enter this very closed country.

7. Pray for Haiti, a nation devastated by violence and near anarchy and civil war. It has been pushed to the brink, and armed rebel groups (“gangs”, but really worse than that) are linking up together against the Prime Minister, calling for his ouster. Pray for resolution, peace, and a pathway to a just government.

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Where do these prayer requests come from? This is a weekly guide to beseeching (δέομαι/deomai, Matthew 9) the Lord of the Harvest for the unreached peoples and places of the world. It is based on the events listed in my Weekly Roundup, as well as on information received from disciple-making movements and other sources around the world. If you’re interested in my Weekly Roundup (out each Friday), you can see a sample and sign up for it here.

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