
Those who are Second in Command often find themselves in the midst of decision-making, problem-solving, and vision defining interactions from morning till evening. Finding time to get away to reflect, refocus, recalibrate, and reconnect is often elusive. Missio Nexus is launching 2iC to give an opportunity for organizations to invest in their senior leaders who are bearing the weight and providing stability for their organizations on a daily basis.

Your title may have a C or VP in it but you are the one at your organization or church that is the 2iC, the Second in Command.

Your days are filled with answering staff questions, explaining vision from the CEO or Senior Pastor, seeking to turn vision into reality and creating a team-centric atmosphere within your organization.  You balance both IQ and EQ as you relate to your senior leader, teams and the individuals for whom you feel responsibility.

The Second in Command often possesses a wide range of knowledge and deep level of detail interaction with staff and projects to a degree that is often more than the CEO or Senior Pastor. Supporting, protecting, running interference, translating, explaining, consoling, and mediating to the senior leader and staff is often a regular part of your role. A weight of knowledge rests upon your shoulders and at times wrestling with the action that needs to be taken.

Shape the future
Inform leaders
Translate the vision
Encourage the team
Create stability
Lead through influence
Learn and Teach
Understand and affirm priorities
Adapt the plan
Champion the mission
Anchor the staff

We will be hosting a 24-hour event December 11-12, 2018, that will allow you to connect with other leaders in similar roles from other North American mission organizations. Our goal is to give time to reflect, an ability to network, and an opportunity to curate new ideas to lead better, lead stronger, and lead more effectively.

Ongoing relationships and coaching will be available following the event.

Participation is limited to one person per organization who holds a Second in Command position (usually a C-Leader (COO, CFO, CIO, CSO) or Vice President (VP, Ex. VP, Sr. VP) or Executive Pastor; regardless of type, affiliation, or size of the organization or church.

To learn more about the upcoming gathering December 11-12, 2018 in Orlando click here.

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