Yes, They Changed the Rules Again – Updates on Employment Law (HR)

Yes, They Changed the Rules Again – Updates on Employment Law (HR)

Friday @ 8:30am

The Bible says the laborer is worthy of his hire. But could the government stop changing all the rules in the employer-employee arena? Join us to track hot topics in employment law, monitor trends, track the culture wars, and hear about the drama in politics and bureaucracy. Then we’ll consider how to integrate the two kingdoms to fulfill our calling.

Theresa L. Sidebotham, JD.

Telios Law, PLLC

Theresa Sidebotham is an attorney with Telios Law and member of Act Beyond. She was an MK and missionary in Indonesia. She is legal counsel to numerous missions, addressing multiple values of improving organizational/HR policy, supporting religious liberties, investigating effectively, caring for victims and members, and minimizing litigation exposure.


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