On Mission: Equipping Short-term Teams for Cross-Cultural Ministry

On Mission: Equipping Short-term Teams for Cross-Cultural Ministry

Thursday @ 3:30pm

Making Jesus known among the nations is the very heart of God. Sending well equipped people to do this is everyone’s desire. Can we all be honest and acknowledge that doesn’t always happen? We will address critical areas of equipping that will make every missionary glad they received your mission team, including worldviews, culture stress/shock, spiritual warfare, and sharing God’s story in a cross-cultural context. Explore these and the need for crisis management readiness as we develop global disciples in an ever-changing world.

Debbie Stephens

Founder and President
Equipped to Go

Equipped To Go serves the local church and other non-profits in equipping those sent out for cross-cultural ministry. She also serves the Upstream Collective where she is able to use her skills of training and equipping to prepare Jet Set teams. She lives outside of Nashville, TN with her husband Alan.


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