The Generosity Project: Understanding Ministry Giving Across Generations (DEV)
The Generosity Project: Understanding Ministry Giving Across Generations (DEV)
Thursday @ 3:30pm
This workshop will share the key findings of a collaborative research project involving 18 faith-based nonprofits accredited by ECFA with the desire to understand trends in generational giving to Kingdom work with a special focus on the Millennial Generation in order to discover the most effective ways to recruit and maintain new, younger donors.
In completion of this workshop attendees will:
Learning Objectives:
- Gain insight into how God will use Millennials to reach the world
- Identify new ways to increase engagement with Millennial donors
- Assess how to protect/prolong investment of current donors
- Brainstorm new strategies to reach a diversity of donor demographics
[CPE 100 MIN – Management Services]
Susie Lipps
A Work in Progress Consulting
Susie has an MA in Global Leadership from Fuller. She consults with Christian non-profits in collaborative projects, leadership transformation, and strategic programming. Susie served as Director of Next Gen Mobilization for Wycliffe Bible Translators, Chair of the Board for Synergy Women’s Network, and President of International Impact. Susie has consulted with boards to create collaborative and strategic partnerships, and engage more women in ministry leadership. Most recently, Susie led The Generosity Project, engaging 17 international Christian ministries in a syndicated research project focused on the attitudes and motivations in giving across the generations, with special attention to the Millennial generation.