2025 Exhibitor Agreement

General Information, Rules, and Regulations for Exhibitors

The General Information, Rules and Regulations, herein-after stated, comprises the legally binding terms and agreements between the exhibitor and Missio Nexus.

By signing and submitting the Contract, you agree to honor and abide by the terms of this agreement as hereinafter stated and as applies to the 2025 Mission Leaders Conference, September 24-26, 2025, the Caribe Royale, Orlando, Florida.

  1. Conference Exhibition Sponsorship. The Exhibit Hall is sponsored and managed by Missio Nexus, herein referred to as MN.
  2. Application and Contract. Each exhibitor is required to sign the Application and Contract. By doing so, he or she subscribes to the General Information, Rules, and Regulations, which are part of the Contract. The terms of the Application and Contract can be revised only upon written agreement of both parties. All booth personnel must register online prior to September 2024.
  3. Exhibition Dates. The dates of the exhibition are as follows:

    Exhibitor Move-in:


    Tuesday, Sept 23, 2025


    Wednesday, Sept 24, 2025

    8:00am –10:00am

    Exhibit Hours:


    Wednesday, Sept 24, 2025

    10:00am–5:30pm, 8:30pm–9:30pm

    Thursday, Sept 25, 2025

    9:30am–5:30pm, 8:30pm–9:30pm

    Friday, Sept 26, 2025


    Tear Down:


    Friday, Sept 26, 2025


  4. MN reserves the right to refuse exhibit space to any applicant for any reasons. In addition, MN reserves the right to refuse exhibit space to any exhibitor if, after the acceptance of the Contract, information should come to the attention of MN, which in the reasonable judgment of MN, demonstrates that the proposed exhibit would be inconsistent with the principles espoused by MN or unfavorable to the public reputation of MN. In the event MN should exercise this right, any exhibit fees paid to MN shall be refunded, except that if the denial of exhibit space shall be for failure or refusal of the exhibitor to comply with the terms set forth elsewhere in this Contract, the denial of exhibit space shall be treated as a cancellation by the exhibitor.
  5. Assignment of Space. Booth space will be chosen on a first come first served basis. MN reserves the right to shift space at any time if, in MN’s judgment, it becomes necessary to do so. MN reserves the right to make modifications in the published floor plan as may be necessary to meet the needs of exhibitors and the exhibit hall as a whole.
  6. Exhibitor Personnel Registration. Each 8’ x 10’ exhibit booth purchased includes one all-access conference registration. Additional registrations can be purchased including all-access conference registrations as well as limited-access booth personnel registrations (meals not included). Limited-access registrations are limited to 4 total per exhibitor.
  7. Cancellation of Space. In the event that an exhibitor desires to cancel the contract with MN, MN will refund the exhibit fees paid to MN if written or emailed notification is received by MN on or before June 30, 2025. If written or emailed notification is received after June 30, 2025, but before July 31, 2025, MN will refund 50% of the total exhibitor fees. If written or emailed notification is received after July 31, 2025, there is no refund.
  8. The MN conference and exhibit hall is not open to the public. MN shall have sole control over all admissions. Only registrants and registered booth personnel will be admitted according to the rules and regulations of the conference.
  9. Subletting Space. No exhibitor shall assign, sublet, or share the space allotted without written consent of MN.
  10. Conformance to Laws. Exhibitor agrees for himself or herself and his/her employees to use contracted space for lawful purposes only and will conform to all laws, ordinances, and regulations. The exhibitor must comply with all local and hotel safety, fire, and heath ordinances for the installation and operation of equipment.
  11. Decorator Rules and Regulations. Exhibitor agrees to conform to all rules and regulations of the exhibit hall’s official decorator as detailed in the service kit by provided by that company. MN is not responsible for decorator and/or conference center personnel, nor can MN guarantee that services and/or utilities promised by the decorator and/or conference center personnel shall be available during the exhibition. Contact the decorator directly for specific information relating to your exhibit space requirements, exhibit freight, shipping instructions, labor rules and regulations, deadlines, and other questions.
  12. Shipment of Exhibit Materials. Exhibitor shall make arrangements for shipment and delivery of materials consigned to the decorator’s warehouse and NOT to the Caribe Royale, Orlando, Florida, nor MN. Neither the hotel nor MN assumes any responsibility for display materials shipped erroneously to them. Refer to the official decorator’s service kit for shipping deadlines and instructions or call the decorator directly.
  13. Exhibit Space. Exhibitor must return, in the same condition as was found, all host facility property and space used during the exhibition. Exhibitor assumes entire responsibility and hereby agrees to protect, indemnify, defend and save MN, the Caribe Royale and their employees and agents harmless against all claims, losses and damages to persons and property, governmental charges or fines, and attorney’s fees arising out of or caused by exhibitor installation, removal, maintenance, occupancy or use of the exhibition premises or part thereof, excluding any such liability caused by the sole negligence of the Caribe Royale and it employees and agents. In addition, exhibitor acknowledges that neither MN nor the Caribe Royale maintain insurance covering exhibitor’s property in that it is the sole responsibility of each exhibit to obtain business interruption and/or property damage and/or insurance covering such losses by any exhibitor.
  14. Although MN may seek to arrange for security personnel to maintain a watch before and after the exhibition, neither MN (nor the security company personnel) shall be liable for any damage or theft to the exhibitor’s display or property. Any security that MN contracts is for protection of MN and its guests and not for the protection of exhibitor, exhibitor’s property, or exhibitor’s workers.
  15. Delivery and Removal. Under no circumstances will the delivery or removal of any portion of an exhibit be permitted during the Exhibit Hall hours without permission first being secured in writing from MN.
  16. Limitation on Promotion and Demonstrations. During the Conference and Exhibition, all demonstrations, promotional activities, and distribution of materials must be confined with the limits of the exhibit booth(s) in the Exhibit Hall unless otherwise provided for by a purchased sponsorship. The playing of loud music, videos, films, or the like, or any other loud or distracting activity that could be objectionable to neighboring exhibitors is prohibited.
  17. Exhibition Restrictions. Access to the show floor during set-up and tear-down times will be restricted to officially registered exhibitor personnel. No one under 18 years of age will be permitted on the show floor during these times.
  18. Exhibitor warrants that all copyrighted material to be performed or played has been duly authorized or licensed by the copyright owners or their representatives and agree to indemnify and hold MN harmless for any and all claims, losses, expenses, including legal fees, which might arise from questions of use of any such material described above.
  19. Use of Space. Exhibitor’s display, equipment, and materials shall be confined to the actual dimensions of the booth space contracted for. Height of display should not be such that it could be objectionable to other neighboring exhibitors.
  20. Firms or organizations not assigned space in the exhibit area will be prohibited from exhibiting or soliciting business within the exhibition or conference area.
  21. It shall be the responsibility of the exhibitor to provide for his or her own insurance needs. MN shall not provide insurance for the exhibitor.
  22. Limitations of Liability. Neither MN, its employees, officers, agents, volunteers, or affiliates shall be liable for any injury, loss, or damage to person or property of exhibitor, its employees, agents, and invitees except to the extent that such injury, loss, or damage is caused directly and proximately by substantial negligence on the par of MN or its employees. Exhibitor by its execution of this contract expressly waives the right to claim any such excluded liabilities against MN and its respective employees, officers, agents, volunteers, or affiliates and acknowledges that it will neither hold nor attempt to hold the association or any such person liable for any cause whatsoever other than injuries or damages occasioned directly and proximately by the substantial negligence of such persons. Further, neither MN nor its affiliates shall be liable for a failure of the scheduled exhibition be held due to fire, water damage, public emergency, strikes, other labor disputes, boycotts, cancellation of facility contracts, or acts of God beyond the power or control MN to prevent. Further, neither MN, nor its respective agents, employees, officers, or volunteers shall be liable for any failure or unavailability of utilities of any hotel or decorator services or personnel. In the event that MN or any of its agents, shall receive a claim or complaint, which in part or in whole arises from exhibitor’s actions or failure to act, exhibitor shall indemnify and hold MN, its respective agents, employees, officers, and volunteers harmless from any claim, loss or liability resulting there from.
  23. Exhibitors qualify for the special MN conference room rates at conference hotel’s terms and conditions. Make your reservations early! Please reserve your room directly with the hotel. Please visit the 2025 conference website venue page for online reservation link and cutoff date.
  24. Booth Selection Process. Booth selection will be available upon the purchase of a sponsorship or exhibit booth and is done on a first come first served basis on.
  25. Governing Law. All disputes under this Agreement shall be decided under the laws of the state of Florida, without regard to conflicts of laws principles.
  26. Christian Arbitration. Any claim or dispute arising from or related to this Agreement shall be settled by mediation and, if necessary, legally binding arbitration in accordance with the Rules of Procedure for Christian Conciliation of the Institute for Christian Conciliation, a division of Peacemaker Ministries. Judgment upon an arbitration decision may be entered in any court otherwise having jurisdiction. The parties understand that these methods shall be the sole remedy for any controversy or claim arising out of this Agreement and expressly waive their right to file a lawsuit in any civil court against one another for such disputes, except to enforce an arbitration decision.

Contract Signature

Sign the Application and Contract Form.

On behalf of said company or organization, I, as the duly authorized representative of the undersigned company or organization, subscribe and agree to all the terms, conditions, authorizations, and covenants contained in the Exhibitor Application and Contract and the General Information, Rules, and Regulations. I understand this contract is not valid and confers no rights until it is accepted by Missio Nexus’ authorized representative and I receive confirmation of that acceptance.

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Document name: 2025 Exhibitor Agreement
lock iconUnique Document ID: 6236acf2030539ea878cfe75470a32b029cd6c2e
Timestamp Audit
January 17, 2025 9:42 am EST2025 Exhibitor Agreement Uploaded by Annette Esler - aesler@missionexus.org IP
January 17, 2025 10:07 am EST Document owner hguinto@missionexus.org has handed over this document to aesler@missionexus.org 2025-01-17 10:07:04 -