2022 A&A Update: Be Audit You Can Be!

Finance Administration & Legal Track | Workshop Set 1

Wednesday, September 28, 2022 15:45 PM


Primary Audience: Finance and accounting personnel

Description: Please join Mike Lee and Dale Houser as we discuss various new accounting and financial reporting standards and their impacts on the financial statements of nonprofit organizations. The material covered will be part “update” and part “refresher” and will also include a discussion about new auditing standards that affect the reports of independent auditors – which now look quite different!

Learning Objectives: Enhance proficiency regarding recent GAAP accounting standards Develop strategies to plan for upcoming accounting standards Gain an understanding of recently effective auditing standards which impact the independent auditor’s report Implement best practices for excellent external financial reporting.

1.5 CPE credit hours

// Accounting

Sponsored by CapinCrouse


Mike Lee, Dale Houser

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