2016 Spring Anthology
We talk about it. We like it. We know it is right to do. Yet, partnership so often eludes us. It takes time, thought and a specific intention.
Partnerships in the business world typically revolve around a “what’s in it for me?” approach. Partnership is even better when the goals of our partnership are not focused on serving the partners, but when the partners have somebody else to bless. Paul, for example, charging Philemon to treat Onesimus as a fellow brother in Christ. Paul and Philemon, partnering to bless Onesimus and, in the end, everybody is better off for it.
As you read these articles consider your own philosophy of partnership.
Anthology Volume 4, Number 1
Table of Contents
The Better of Together: Unprecedented Opportunity by Leith Anderson, DMin
Churches and Mission Agencies: A New Contract by Bob Blincoe, PhD
Battle Plan: The Role of the Church In Preparing the Next Generation of Global Workers by David J Wilson, DMin
When God Calls to Dangerous Places by Marvin Newell, DMiss
Partnering with National Churches In Central and Eastern Europe by Bob Hitching
Well Sent: Leaders Edge Author Interview with Steve Beirn, MA
Running with Two Feet by Sam Metcalf, DMin