2016 MLC General Session 2 with Duce Branch


2016 Mission Leaders Conference

William “Duce” Branch (a.k.a. The Ambassador) loves to preach Christ. Whether through careful biblical exposition or passionate gospel-driven rap, Duce aims to live out his belief in the sufficiency and primacy of God’s word in all missional endeavors. After two decades of ministry in and around the city of Philadelphia, he now serves his current church, Imago Dei Church, in Raleigh NC, along with regularly preaching and rapping itinerantly.

Continuing 20 years of urban ministry, Duce is now a PhD student at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, N.C., where he also serves as an adjunct professor for the College at Southeastern. He previously received a bachelors of science degree in Bible from Lancaster Bible College and a master’s degree in theology from Dallas Theological Seminary. These endeavors are apart of how he desires to model and promote the necessity of solid theological conviction that manifests itself in every facet of godly life and witness.

This is the second of two session that Duce presented at the 2016 Mission Leaders Conference.

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