This page is your one-stop destination for all the information you need as a Track Leader (TL) for ECHO 2025.
Conference Dates. The conference begins at 1:30 PM on Wednesday, September 24 and concludes at 12:30 PM on Friday, September 26.
Conference Location. The Mission Leaders Conference will be held at Caribe Royale, 8101 World Center Drive, Orlando, Florida.
About Our Theme. ECHO 2025 – Amplifying the Need for Global Evangelization. “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” Evangelism is a foundational activity of Jesus’ command to disciple the nations. It is an ancient practice facing contemporary challenges. How do we obey Jesus in proclaiming the Good News? What does proclamation look like in our global and local contexts? How can we meaningfully communicate the gospel message in a relevant and compelling way? Join us as we discuss this together.
Conference Schedule. A more detailed schedule will be in the conference program and in the app.
Wednesday | Sep 24
8:30am | Preconferences
1:30pm | Opening Session
3:00pm | Exhibit Hall / Break
3:45pm | Workshop Set 1
5:00pm | Open Networking
5:30pm | Dinner
6:45pm | Plenary Session
8:30pm | Receptions
Sep 25
Thursday | Sep 25
7:00am | Women’s Breakfast
8:30am | Workshop Set 2
9:45am | Coffee Break
10:30am | Networking Forums
12:00pm | Lunch
1:45pm | Workshop Set 3
3:00pm | Coffee Break
3:45pm | Workshop Set 4
5:00pm | Open Networking
5:30pm | Dinner
6:45pm | Plenary
8:30pm | Receptions
Sep 26
Friday | Sep 26
9:00am | Workshop Set 5
10:15am | Coffee Break
11:00am | Closing Session
12:30pm | Conference Concludes
Track Leader Responsibilities Please refer to this document for the TL Job Description.
Important Changes for 2025
- There will be no virtual conference, nor will we be recording workshops. I believe this will enable you to concentrate on in-person attendees. We will re-evaluate this decision after for 2026.
- There will no longer be a separate Short-Term Missions Track. The Local Church Missions Tracks, Advanced and Essential, will plan to incorporate this topic in their tracks.
- Officially we have a Communications & Marketing Track which will be headed up by Julie Novara, Copywriter & Content Strategist of Julie Johnson Writing Services, and Jason Rutel, Founder of Creative Nomads. Welcome to the team, Julie and Jason.
- We also want to welcome back to the Development Track Tim Coleman, North America Director of Philanthropy with Jews for Jesus.
Planning Workshops
- Workshop Master. As you begin to confirm your workshops, please enter them in the Workshop Master and be sure to refer to it to see what other TLs are planning. It is helpful for us all to have this information to share resources and avoid redundancy. Sheets 2 and 3 on this spreadsheet contain the TLs and their emails.
- Diversity. Please make an effort to place diverse presenters in your line up and to the extent that you are able, seek to incorporate the conference theme in your track. We understand that this is a bigger challenge for some tracks.
- Workshop Submissions. Anyone is able to submit a workshop proposal on the Missio Nexus website. Each year we receive about 60-70 proposals. Once received, they are forwarded to the appropriate Track Leader for consideration. These should be carefully vetted. Please notify the submitter whether or not you plan to utilize their submission.
- Workshop Information Form. Once workshop descriptions and presenters have been finalized, your presenters will need to submit the Workshop Information Form. (Make sure your presenter knows in which track he/she is presenting.) You and your presenter will receive a copy of the submission. Once you approve the submission, I will publish the workshop on the website. Once published, edits can be made in the Speaker Resource Center. Final submissions must be received no later than April 15.
- Workshop Presentations. All presenters should be prepared to share their workshop presentation which will need to be uploaded in the Speaker Resource Center by August 26.
Speaker Resource Center. In April, presenters will receive an email invitation to visit the Speaker Resource Center where they will complete assigned tasks such as upload their bio, headshot, and read other helpful information. This includes how to receive a complimentary presenter registration. Remind presenters to wait until they receive this information before registering. This year, TLs will be added to the Speaker Resource Center. This will allow you to receive task reminders and it will allow you to understand the process for presenters. If you want to monitor your presenters’ progress or make edits to their content, let me know. You can be added as an Admin on their profile.
Pre-Conferences. If you would like to host a pre-conference, indicate that on the Workshop Master. Workshop Information Forms must be submitted for these as well by April 15. Those hosting a pre-conference are entitled to a complimentary conference registration. Some limits apply.
Networking Forums. Please let me know if you or someone you know would like to facilitate a Networking Forum. Please do not feel any pressure to lead one. Consider this a great opportunity for additional topics. Space is limited.
Registration. Information on registration is found in the Speaker Resource Center. Each track receives 5 complimentary registrations. If you have more presenters, you will have to let me know who will receive the complimentary registrations. Generally, panelists do not receive a comped registration unless they are presenting in another workshop. Those leading a pre-conference will automatically be registered for their session.
Conference Bookstore. The 2025 Mission Leaders Conference will include an online bookstore. If you are an author and would like to offer your book for sale at the conference bookstore, contact Space is limited.
Important Dates
- Tuesday, March 25 Registration Opens
- Tuesday, April 15 Workshop Information Form Due
- Tuesday, April 22 Workshop Information Goes Live
- Thursday, August 21 Group discount rate for hotel ends (or sooner if sold out)
- Tuesday, August 5: Workshop Set Up Request due for those with additional needs for their workshop room
- Tuesday, August 26: Presentation/Handout(s) uploaded