A Man Walked into a Bar—and Came to Christ
By Leadership Resources, a Missio Nexus member.
A Man Walks into a Bar … and Comes to Christ?
Years ago, a Ugandan man named George entered a bar looking for a drink. What he didn’t know is that God would use his time at that bar to radically change his life forever.
George went into the bar as an unbeliever and walked out a follower of Christ. Someone took the time to share Christ with him and as a result he was born again. Inspired due to his newfound faith, George witnessed to the owner of the bar–and this man also received Christ!
They soon closed the doors of the bar and reopened it as a church (pictured in the above photo). George is now a pastor that ministers to hundreds in his area.
Training with Leadership Resources
Six years ago George began the Training National Trainers program with Leadership Resources. God has worked in his heart in amazing ways and George has experienced various layers of transformation.
After receiving training in the Scriptures, George now trains others with the TNT curriculum, including four separate groups of pastors and thirteen church planters. George has even led his wife through the training, and she has passed on the training to other women.
Before being equipped through TNT, George’s congregation didn’t even bring their Bibles to church. Now after TNT, they make big sacrifices in order to purchase their own Bibles.
The transformation George has experienced has blessed his community, not only by pastoring his church, but by reaching out to pygmies and other outcasts in his community.
One man, an unbeliever, noticed such a positive change in the community through George and his church that he gave George a cow to thank him! This cow is now used for ministering to the people of their community.
God’s Word and God’s Heart
When our team was in Uganda a few months back, they were able to speak in George’s church which was bursting at the seams with hundreds of people listening intently to the message preached. After the sermon, eight people came forward to talk to Pastor George and receive Christ. One congregation member even commented how the guest preacher (our Doug Dunton who had trained George) preached just like George!
What a gift to see and hear how God is using this pastor to impact his community as he faithfully exposits God’s Word. His people are recognizing that he has something important to say from God’s Word–and they want to listen!
Pray for George and the dozens of others that we train in Uganda as they implement these new lessons in their churches and their communities so they can become transformed through God’s power.
Leadership Resources, a Missio Nexus member, provided this article. Member organizations can provide content to the Missio Nexus website. See how by clicking here.