Find A Cause That Sparks Your Passion To Partner With Great Charities

The final quarter of the calendar year is critical for nonprofit fundraising. Approximately 30% of annual giving takes place in December, with the final three days of the year accounting for about 10% of all donations. So, if you haven’t found your philanthropic passion yet or want to contemplate finding one that suits you better, now may be an excellent time to reflect, assess, or reevaluate.

There are various reasons end-of-year giving is popular, some practical, others emotional. Whether it’s the spirit of the holiday season that motivates you to donate to help a charity accomplish its mission or your desire to share your good fortune to help others, millions of people need your support.

There are an estimated 10 million legitimate nonprofit organizations worldwide. Each has a different mission statement and operating methods, but they all share one goal: to make the world a better place. 

While many charities are short on resources, there’s no shortage of pressing needs in the world. People worldwide face massive, urgent issues — food insecurity, displacement, and infectious disease, to name only a few. 

With so many worthy causes, how do you find those that ignite your passion? And with so many charities, how do you decide where to place your support? Finally, how can you determine which organizations are trustworthy and will serve as reliable stewards to ensure your donations are used effectively?


Finding a charity you want to support can take time and effort. It may take some time before you land on the cause you want to support. The Forbes Nonprofit Council expert panel offers insights into ways to find your philanthropic passion. The following considerations may also help you find your passion and the best ways to support it.

Reflect on Your Experiences

Think about what truly tugs at your heartstrings. People align with charity organizations for many reasons. Maybe a loved one was diagnosed with an illness. Perhaps you came from a broken home and realized the importance of good parenting. You may find joy helping underserved students access educational opportunities or supporting survivors of human trafficking. 

Think about any experiences you’ve had as a volunteer or donor. Do any of those stand out? Which of those experiences had the most significant positive impact? Considering how experiences and events have impacted you can help determine your passion.

Take Stock Of Your Values

Think about your core values and prioritize them. Next, list a few issues you care about that intersect with those values. Once you’ve identified these, look for nonprofit organizations with a mission that speaks to your values and interests.

Determine What You Can Bring to the Cause

In addition to any financial support you can offer a charity, do you have any skills and experience to support their mission further? For example, if you have a background in marketing, you may be able to help an organization spread the word about its cause.

Commit to Making the World a Better Place

Once you discover the charity or charities that are a good fit consider getting involved to the fullest extent possible. For example, introduce your friends and family to your chosen charity to let them know about your involvement and possibly get their support.


How can you make the most of your commitment once you’ve determined the cause that speaks to your heart? 

Due diligence — legal risks, regulatory compliance, mission alignment, taxation requirements — especially when making cross-border donations, is needed to ensure that an organization is trustworthy. Exhaustive research and extensive knowledge are necessary to perform due diligence thoroughly, something most people aren’t equipped to do.

A TrustBridge Global donor-advised fund (DAF) is a charitable vehicle that can help eliminate the need to conduct due diligence on your own and some of the barriers associated with global giving. 

A TrustBridge Global DAF also provides donors with a centralized charitable account, allowing grants to be sent to the organizations that spark your passion over time in a planned and systematic way. Providing funds for charities over a span of time can help the organizations you support make longer-term and more strategic plans to solving or eliminating root causes.

Wherever your passion leads you, the TrustBridge global network is ready to help ensure your funds are distributed where they can make a meaningful difference quickly and safely.

About TrustBridge Global Foundation

TrustBridge Global Foundation is a network of foundations with collaborative relationships and member offices around the world.  As the first donor-advised fund (DAF) to be truly global, TrustBridge professionally manages and deploys charitable giving to all corners of the globe through world class expertise in finance and cross-border giving.

This article is submitted by TrustBridge Global Foundation. TrustBridge Global Foundation is a Missio Nexus member.  Member organizations can provide content to the Missio Nexus website. See how by clicking here.

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