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Apr 22

Sexual Wholeness Initiatives: A Working Model for Missions Organizations

April 22 @ 1:30 pm - April 23 @ 1:00 pm EDT

$300.00 – $450.00

“We at Missio Nexus have decided to champion these significant efforts to make this working model known throughout the greater mission world.” – Ted Esler, President


Join with other mission leaders for this 24-hour event to explore how Sexual Wholeness Initiatives (SWI) could significantly impact your organization, proactively coming alongside your members in pursuit of sexual wholeness.

Participant Profile

This event is for executive leaders, member care personnel, all those that influence organizational culture. Attendees will be introduced to the SWI Working Model, engaging with its 5 components in an interactive environment.

Who You’ll Meet

Meet mission organization influencers from various organizations. Engage with Dennis Martin, Director of SWI, a ministry of One Challenge, aka OC Int’l, offered to the greater mission world at no cost.

What You’ll Learn

A workbook with access to all 5 components of the SWI Working Model will be given to all attendees. Each component will be unpacked with its corresponding tools. A couple of accompanying roll-out videos will be viewed and discussed together. A process for organizational implementation will be shared by way of example. Opportunities for follow-up accompaniment will be offered.

Why You Want to Participate

A common felt need: “Sexual brokenness affects almost every one of our members in some way.”

A subsequent comment: “It’s all so overwhelming. I don’t know how best to proceed.”

Upon learning of SWI: “A working model? Other mission organizations have begun using it? 

What Others Are Saying

Testimonials from 3 missions:

  1. “What SWI has done for us is given us the resources. It’s given us a model, that we see value in. It’s given us mentorship and methodology that has become a real springboard, a real catalyst for us to talk, to plan, to have open dialogue.”
  2. “The heart of SWI that we really love is the approach from a sense of vulnerability…and accompaniment, rather than an imposition of rules or guidelines surrounding sexual wholeness. It’s very invitational.”
  3. “We, before SWI, didn’t have a lot of experience in how to deal with this topic. Relying on people that have been doing this for longer and bring a plethora of experience in this has been really beneficial for us. We have seen an incredible change, and we’re excited to continue taking deeper steps in this journey.”

How It Will Help You

Become aware of the SWI Working Model and consider how you may have conversations with your leadership in consideration of implementation for your organization.

EMQ article providing overview of SWI Working Model


Video (4 min) of testimonials from mission agencies and a Missio Nexus endorsement

SWI testimonials & Missio Nexus endorsement.mp4

Event Overview

A 24-hour event at Heartland Retreat Center, a 15-minute drive from the Kansas City airport (MCI). Representatives from missions employing SWI will connect virtually for Q&A sessions. This event includes a full presentation of the SWI Working Model, interactive discussions, and networking with other mission leaders.

Guest Speaker

Dennis Martin (swi@oci.org) is the director of Sexual Wholeness Initiatives (SWI), a ministry of One Challenge. He is grateful to experience a freedom in Christ which he had previously lost hope of attaining this side of heaven. His life’s passion is to walk with Jesus’ bride towards sexual wholeness. He and his wife, Jeannie, raised three daughters in France during 20 years of missionary service with Encompass World Partners. They now reside in Colorado Springs, Colorado.




Heartland Retreat Center

16965 NW 45 Hwy

Parkville, MO 64152


Tentative Schedule: Each session will include presentation, discussion, Q&A. Breaks will be taken between sessions.

Tuesday, April 22

    • Noon – 1:30 PM: Check-in/Get Settled
    • 1:30 PM – 2:00 PM: Welcome/Introductions
    • 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM: Session 1: “Why do we need an initiative for sexual wholeness?”
    • 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM: Session 2: SWI component #1: Guidelines for Coming Alongside Staff
    • 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM: Session 3: SWI component #2: Allies
    • 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM: Session 4: SWI component #3: Caregiver’s Guide
    • 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM: Dinner
    • 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM: Session 5: How Do I Integrate SWI Into My Organization?

Wednesday, April 23

    • 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM: Breakfast
    • 9:00 – 10:00 AM: Session 6: SWI component #4: Restoration Procedures
    • 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM: Session 7: SWI component #5: Integrate Sexual Wholeness Into Our Ministry Efforts
    • 11:00 AM – Noon: Session 8: Next steps
    • 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM: Lunch


Members: $300

Non-Members: $450

Includes: Event Materials, Single-occupancy lodging, and 3 Meals (dinner, breakfast & lunch)

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations received on or before March 27 will be refunded minus a $75 cancellation fee. After that, no refund is available.


For any questions, please contact us at Events@Missionexus.org.

Missio Nexus encourages interaction on diverse and difficult topics. Be aware that the information shared in this event may not reflect the views of the Missio Nexus staff, board, or other community members.


April 22 @ 1:30 pm EDT
April 23 @ 1:00 pm EDT
$300.00 – $450.00
Event Category:


Missio Nexus
+1 770.457.6677
View Organizer Website


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Member Sexual Wholeness
This ticket only available to members
$ 300.00
Non-Member Sexual Wholeness
$ 450.00