Disciple Making Movements: A Biblical, Holistic, Exponential Solution for the Remaining Task

This discussion will examine how and why Jesus’ pattern of discipling whole groups or “households” (social units) together is the only exponential pattern both numerically and sociologically which can reverse the key missiological failing of our time – the increase in the Least Evangelized population of the world from 24% in the mid-1980s to 29% currently.  The webinar will define and examine the comprehensive, scalable set of strategies (e.g. discipling whole groups to faith; “love and obey” discipleship; reproducing leaders and churches who immediately and holistically serve their community, etc.) which have resulted in 150 current movements.  Essential to this discussion will be examination of how Jesus launched a movement within three years and how Paul followed the same pattern so that all 15 million people of the Roman province of Asia heard the word of the Lord in two years—with many disciples as a result.

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