Let’s Not Forget the Deaf

Missio Nexus announces the February 2017 Global Issues Update: “Let’s Not Forget the Deaf” with Rob Myers of Door International.

Complex global challenges impact Great Commission activities at every level. No matter how connected and motivated you are as an individual Christ-follower, church or mission leader, you can’t be an expert on everything. This edition will help you understand the plight of a many times forgotten “people group,” the global deaf population.

Rob Myers is President and CEO of DOOR International, whose passion is to see the deaf trained and empowered to lead a movement to make Christ known and to lead their own people into relationship with Him. DOOR does this through work in Scripture translation as well as evangelism, discipleship, and church planting among the deaf.

If you have a comment about this presentation, or would like to suggest a future topic and presenter, feel free to write me: MNewell@MissioNexus.org

Enjoy watching and becoming more fully informed.

Marvin J. Newell Senior Vice President Missio Nexus

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